niedziela, 26 listopada 2017

The Little Mermaid

Then, the Little Mermaid takes the unconscious man to the shore, where a young girl finds him. He doesn't see the Little Mermaid and doesn't know it was she who saved him. Later, the mermaid asks her grandma if humans can live underwater. The woman says that they can't and that they also don't live as long as the mermaids do. "However", she says, "they have a soul that lives forever even after they die". Now the Little Mermaid wants to have an eternal soul and live with the prince she loves. She goes to the Sea Witch who gives her human legs in exchange for her beautiful voice, and warns her that once she becomes a human, she can't go back to her life in the sea.

czwartek, 23 listopada 2017

The Little Mermaid

No to zaczynamy!!! 
Oto pierwszy fragment historii. 
Autorzy największej liczby ilustracji zostaną nagrodzeni atrakcyjnymi upominkami!!! 
The Little Mermaid lives in an underwater kingdom with her father, grandmother and five older sisters. At the age of 15, any mermaid can swim to the surface and watch the world outside. Each year, 
the Little Mermaid listens to the exciting stories about what her sisters saw there. When the Litle Mermaid is 15 years old, she swims to the surface and sees a ship with a handsome prince. 
She immediately falls in love with the prince and when the terrible storm comes, she saves him from drowning.

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